Tuesday, August 30, 2016

. byrd island .

Every so often I like to take a step back and reevaluate how I spend my time in Second Life. Usually this comes after a period of not being able to log in for a while due to a busier RL. I've been in SL in a really long time, longer than I sometimes like to admit lol, and because I have been it becomes easy to take for granted some days. I find when I'm spending a lot of time here, day after day, I get so wrapped up in shopping, which event is next and do I really need that whole gacha collection?(definitely...not really...kinda...no...but it's so cute...why not?!).

All those things are fun for sure and the work that goes into making some of those items blows my mind! I wouldn't even know where to start but even the work that goes into creating I sort of become numb to in the dash to hit up the next event or release. I feel like I've become spoiled with all that's available to buy that I forget why I love SL in the first place which is the relationships I've become a part of and getting to see inside such amazingly creative minds.

Something I used to enjoy, but haven't done in so long, is just exploring sims all you wonderful people have put your heart into creating! So today I left my little pixel purse at home lol and set out for an adventure! I came across Byrd Island by looking through Linden's Destination Guide. It's truly such a sweet, calm yet mysterious place. Something I usually forget to do is set my time of day to estate time but thankfully here I did because it adds to the whole experience. So if you decide to visit, don't be a Charlotte, change your wind light! lol

The sim description from the website is as follows

"Welcome to Byrd Island. Take a step back in time to explore this once inhabited island. The lighthouse keeper and his family abruptly left the island never to return. Could it have been the birds, or something else? Byrd Island is now open for tours. Check the schedule for the next ferry from the mainland" 

Ohhh, kiiiinda eerie right? lol I know, That's why I decided to check it out!

There were plenty of photo opportunities but I fell in love with this raised lawn area under huge shady trees where leaves whirled around me and that overlooked a small orchard. It's really just a beautiful little area to take a breath and enjoy the silence, which is exactly what I did. All my blabbing is really just to say, I think it's time for me to really enjoy more of what SL has to offer again. I'm going to appreciate the time I have to log in spending it with the ones I care about and exploring these beautiful worlds within a world that you guys have created without feeling like I need to constantly keep up somehow. There's a time for all that (don't worry, I'll still get my shop on here and there too! lol). It does a lot of good to reevaluate sometimes.


So why did the lighthouse keeper and his family leave the island? Maybe it was the birds as it's suggested; I'm not sure, but I know they wouldn't have driven me away. Byrd Island is lovely, birds (byrds!) and all!

Destination: Byrd Island

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